It is so interesting to see the prototype now that the game looks so much more polished and so different! You might not be able to progress so far but it is still prossible to get big numbers :)
Made it to the end, then managed to get my Mana Cap to 400k, and my Conjure Mana duration to 26 minutes. (at over 1.5k%) so I'd say now I'm just waiting for the next version. Read in the comments there that the next update is planned for the end of May. Looking forward to it. :)
Awww! I got to the point all upgrades cost more than the max resource capacity I have. This is quite nice, I hope you manage to continue developing it!
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You might not be able to progress so far but it is still prossible to get big numbers :)
Really good! Looking forward to more content.
Love this game :)
Made an account just to write this comment xD: This is such a good game <3 I can't wait for the update in May :D
Made it to the end, then managed to get my Mana Cap to 400k, and my Conjure Mana duration to 26 minutes. (at over 1.5k%) so I'd say now I'm just waiting for the next version. Read in the comments there that the next update is planned for the end of May. Looking forward to it. :)
cant wait for a saveable version its awesome <3
Really cool game! The art and balancing is really good, keep it up!
Awww! I got to the point all upgrades cost more than the max resource capacity I have. This is quite nice, I hope you manage to continue developing it!
please add support for android chrome browser gameplay, some players like to play idle games on there tablet's instead of pc's.
It's a great start! The mechanics are simple without being boring. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I really like the mechanics at play here - very satisfying to see spells improve over time.
this is pretty cool but the scrolling in the upgrades menu is way too sensitive
Wow, it's good.
finished the game, just hope you update it soon.
got both world locations and working on building the orb up.
any clue on the next update?
Current plan is a large content-update at the end of May!
Just checking in, did the content update not go as planned?
Pretty good start, looking forward to seeing where it goes :D
Love it
Really good! Keep going :)
Top notch, I want more.